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God and Gun Control

Fredericksburg Tea Party

My Substack page

Wimkin, Facebook alternative

Battle Flags, Etc.

Between June 2006 and Jan 2007 my wife and I published a small newspaper to cover the news excluded by the local Fredericksburg newspaper.

Throughout Gillespie County we were able to distribute thousands of copies covering a number of important issues.

Unfortunately, we ran out of time and money, and had to stop.

There is always the possibility we could resurrect the paper, if conditions are favorable. The political climate in the nation and in this community certainly merit a return of the paper, but our circumstances presently do not allow for it.

If we were to return, we would have a larger pool of people who could contribute, including those involved in the TEA party, and Patriots of Gillespie County, and perhaps people involved with organizations like the Oak Initiative.

Just to put a bug in your ear, one feature I'd really like to add is to occasionally include a CD or DVD expounding on a relevant hot topic.

Topics like:
The threat of Islam (a presentation by Kamal Saleem (former terrorist) and General Jerry Boykin (Ret); Obsession the movie; David Horowitz's The Islamic Mein Kampf);
the Second Amendment;
private property and free enterprise capitalism;
and others.

I am posting the old issues on-line as inspiration, so you can see what can be accomplished with a few resources and a lot of work. (And, because I have a few unused domain name slots that I might as well fill with something.)

If you have any thoughts, please drop me an email. sirdavid at ktc dot com

For Liberty,

David C. Treibs, Fredericksburg, Texas